- the man who made a monster

By megumibasis - July 20, 2020


// head: Genus Head - Strange Face W001
// body: [LEGACY] Meshbody 
// skin: Nar - Soft Body // APPLIERS+BOM // GHOST @mainstore
// body applier: Nar - Smokebomb Eyeshadows // GENUS+BOM @mainstore
// hair: Foxy - Storm Hair @mainstore
// tattoo: .: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier The destiny
// ears: .random.Matter. - Junee Human Ears @mainstore

.random.Matter. x Bonbon - Star Girl - Planetary Halo @the epiphany

decor: & pose: 
 *12 [VOZ] PW - Spare Ladder (A)
.random.Matter. x Bonbon - Star Girl - Neon Moon @the epiphany
Lyrium Any pose 4 @mainstore

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